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Light Dragon Puppet Pattern

Light Dragon Puppet Pattern


My brand new dragon puppet is here! This one is inspired by the Light Dragon in a popular video game. Not only do you get the pattern for a sleek head, but a great template for antlers and ears too.  Use it to make a dragon arm illusion puppet for halloween, anime or comic conventions or just for fun!  My Light Dragon Puppet Pattern is perfect for anyone who wants to create puppets but needs help on a starting point. I designed this pattern myself, and it is very versatile and can be customized and painted to look however you want.

I made a tutorial about how to make patterns here:, I’m always amazed at what people have built with this pattern, and I’m excited to see what you’ll create with it!

Please note that you can sell finished products made with this base pattern, just add a credit to me and where you got the pattern! However, please do not sell unfinished bases, or resell or distribute the pattern itself.

Order now and start creating your perfect dragon puppet today!

EVA foam -I recommend 6mm for the head and jaw, 4mm for the ears and 10mm for the antlers. A good brand
is Sks Prop’s HD foam from Blick art supply.
Printer and 8.5” x 11” paper
Scissors – To cut the pattern after printing.
Ball point pen or Sharpie marker – To trace pattern on foam.
Cutting tool – I recommend a snap off utility blade.
Contact cement – Barge and Woodweld are good brands available at most hardware or convenience stores. I
use Duall #88. Remember contact cement and rubber cement are different things.
Nylon webbing– Optional but can be used to add a strap to hold on your hand.
Fabric or tape- optional to help create the hinge. Gaffer’s tape is a great option.
Other finishing materials - (optional depending on how you want to finish it) - Plastidip, flex bond, Creature Cast Rubber, Plaid FX acrylic paint, fleece or other fabric..

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